Alvin Chin and Daqing Zhang (editors). Mobile Social Networking: An Innovative Approach, Springer, 2013.
Martin Atzmueller, Alvin Chin, Denis Helic and Andreas Hotho (editors). Ubiquitous Social Media Analysis - Lecture Notes in Computer Science/Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 8329. Proceedings of MSM 2012 and MUSE 2012 workshops, Springer, 2013.
Martin Atzmueller, Alvin Chin, Andreas Hotho (editors). Modeling and Mining Ubiquitous Data – Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 7472. Proceedings of MSM 2011 and MUSE 2011 workshops, Springer, 2012.
Martin Atzmueller, Andreas Hotho, Alvin Chin (editors). Analysis of Social Media and Ubiquitous Data - Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 6904. Proceedings from MSM 2010 and MUSE 2010 workshops, Springer, 2011.
Book Chapters and Articles
Alvin Chin. “Ephemeral Social Networks”, Book chapter in Mobile Social Networking: An Innovative Approach, Springer, 2013.
Alvin Chin and Mark Chignell. “Network Analysis, Automated”, Article in Encyclopedia of Social Networks, Sage Reference, 2012. (pdf)
Alvin Chin and Mark Chignell. "DISSECT: Data-Intensive Socially Similar Evolving Community Tracker", Book chapter in Computational Social Network Analysis: Trends, Tools and Research Advances, Computer Communications & Networks series, Springer-Verlag, London, 2010. (pdf)
J. Tian, A. Chin and H. Yanikomeroglu. “An Introduction to the Special Issue on Connected and Autonomous Driving”, IEEE IT Professional, November/December 2018.
A. Chin, J. Bourgeois and L.T.Yang (Guest Editors). "Special Issue: Cyber, Physical and Social Computing". New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, Taylor & Francis, Vol. 20, No. 1, 2014.
A. Chin, B. Xu, H. Wang, L. Chang, H. Wang and L. Zhu. "Connecting People through Physical Proximity and Physical Resources at a Conference". Special Issue on Intelligent Systems for Socially Aware Computing. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems Technology. 4, 3, Article 50 (June 2013), 21 pages.
Y. Lyu, D. Hong, Y. Wang, Y. Hou, Z. Yang, Y. Chen, Y. Shi and A. Chin. "A Scalable and Privacy-Aware Location-Sensing Model for Ephemeral Social Network Service". International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. Hindawi Publishing Corp. 2013, 11 pages. (pdf)
A. Chin. “What Matters to Me? Smarter Mobile Internet from Context-based Recommendations”. Digital Special Issue on Mobile Internet. Chinese Computer Federation, 2013.
H. Zhuang, J. Tang, W. Tang, T. Lou, A. Chin, and X. Wang. “Actively Learning to Infer Social Ties”. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (DMKD). Springer, Vol. 25, Issue 2, 2012, 270-297. (pdf)
B. Xu, A. Chin, X. Wang, W. Wang, and Z. Liu. “From Social Networks to Mobile Social Networks”. Submitted to the Computer Society Newsletter, Chinese Computer Federation, 2012 (Chinese). (pdf)
A. Chin, M. Chignell and H. Wang. "Tracking cohesive subgroups over time in inferred social networks”. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 2010. 16: 1, 113 — 139. (pdf)
A. Chin, J. Keelan, V. Pavri-Garcia, G. Tomlinson, K. Wilson, and M. Chignell. "Automated Delineation of Subgroups in Web Video: A Medical Activism Case Study". Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Special Issue on e-Health, 2010. (pdf)
A. Chin and M. Chignell. “Automatic Detection of Cohesive Subgroups Within Social Hypertext: A Heuristic Approach”. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia. Taylor and Francis, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2008, 121-143. (pdf)
A. Chin and M. Chignell. “Identifying Communities in Blogs: Roles for Social Network Analysis and Survey Instruments”. International Journal of Web Based Communities (IJWBC). Inderscience Publishers, Vol. 3, No. 3, 2007, 343-365. (pdf)
Conference Full Papers
A. Chin, J. Tian and J. Prenninger. Toward Contextual and Personalized Interior Experience in a Vehicle: Predictive Preconditioning. In Proc 92nd IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference 2020-Fall (VTC 2020-Fall), Nov. 2020, virtual.
P. Wolf, A. Chin and B. Baker. Unsupervised Data-driven Automotive Diagnostics with Improved Deep Temporal Clustering, In Proc 90th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference 2019-Fall (VTC 2019-Fall), 22-25 Sept. 2019, Hawaii, USA.
A. Chin, P. Wolf and J. Tian. A Cloud IoT Edge Framework for Efficient Data-Driven Automotive Diagnostics, In Proc 90th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference 2019-Fall (VTC 2019-Fall), 22-25 Sept. 2019, Hawaii, USA.
O. Laudy, J. P. Prenninger, A. Chin and J. Tian. "Toward Building an Individual Preference Model for Personalizing Settings in the Vehicle". In Proceedings of 88th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Fall-2018 (VTC 2018-Fall).
M. He, A. Chin, E. Chen, and J. Tian, "Efficient personalized recommendation of mobile web content using an EM-based clustering method", Accepted to the 14th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT 2014), 8 pages, 11-13 Sept. 2014, Xi'an, China, IEEE Computer Society.
A. Chin, W. Wang, and X. Wang, "LeXiang: Share the Joy of Reliving Activities from Offline to Online", Acccepted to the 7th International Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom 2014), 8 pages, 1-3 Sept. 2014, Taipei, Taiwan, IEEE Computer Society.
A. Chin, J. Han, J. Tian, and J. Niu, “A Study of Offline Events and Its Influence on Online Social Connections in Douban”, In Proc. of 6th International Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom 2013), 8 pages, 20-22 Aug. 2013, Beijing, China, IEEE Computer Society. (pdf)
L. Wu, A. Chin, G. Xu, L. Du, X. Wang, K. Meng,Y. Guo, and Y. Zhou, “Who Will Follow Your Shop? Exploiting Multiple Information Sources in Finding Followers”, Accepted to the 18th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA 2013), 15 pages, 22-25 Apr. 2013, Wuhan, China, Springer. (pdf)
X. Zuo, A. Chin, X. Fan, B. Xu, D. Hong, Y. Wang, and X. Wang, “Connecting People at a Conference: A Study of Influence Between Offline and Online Using a Mobile Social Application”, In Proc. of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing(CPSCom 2012), 8 pages, 20-23 Nov. 2012, Besancon, France, IEEE Computer Society. (pdf) (slides)
H. Zhuang, A. Chin, S. Wu, W. Wang, X. Wang, and J. Tang, "Inferring Geographic Coincidence in Ephemeral Social Networks", In Proc. of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD 2012), 613-628, 24-28 Sept. 2012, Bristol, UK. (pdf) (slides)
B. Xu, A. Chin, H. Wang, L. Chang, K. Zhang, F. Yin, H.Wang, and L. Zhang, "Physical Proximity and Online User Behavior in an Indoor Mobile Social Networking Application", Internet of Things (iThings/CPSCom), In Proc. of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom 2011), 273-282, 19-22 Oct. 2011, Dalian, China, IEEE Computer Society (Won Best Paper award). (pdf)
L. Chang, A. Chin, H. Wang, L. Zhu, K. Zhang, F. Yin, H. Wang, and L. Zhang, "Enhancing the Experience and Efficiency at a Conference with Mobile Social Networking: Case Study with Find & Connect", In Proc. of the International Conference on Human-centric Computing 2011 and Embedded and Multimedia Computing 2011 (HumanCom 2011), Enshi, China, Springer, August 11-13, 2011. (pdf)
H. Wang, A. Chin and H. Wang, "Social Influence on Being a Pay User in Freemium-based Social Networks", In Proc. of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA '11). IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, USA, 526-533, 2011. (pdf)
H. Wang and A. Chin, "Evolution Analysis of a Mobile Social Network", In Proc. of the 6th international conference on Advanced data mining and applications: Part I (ADMA'10), Longbing Cao, Yong Feng, and Jiang Zhong (Eds.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 310-321, 2010. (pdf)
A. Chin and H. Wang, "Using Cohesive Subgroups for Analyzing the Evolution of the Friend View Mobile Social Network", In Proc. of the 7th international conference on Ubiquitous intelligence and computing (UIC'10), Zhiwen Yu, Ramiro Liscano, Guanling Chen, Daqing Zhang, and Xingshe Zhou (Eds.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 620-634, 2010. (pdf)
L. Zhu, A. Chin, K. Zhang, W. Xu, H. Wang, and L. Zhang, "Managing Workplace Resources in Office Environments through Ephemeral Social Networks", In Proc. of the 7th international conference on Ubiquitous intelligence and computing (UIC'10), Zhiwen Yu, Ramiro Liscano, Guanling Chen, Daqing Zhang, and Xingshe Zhou (Eds.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 665-679, 2010. (pdf)
A. Chin. "Finding Cohesive Subgroups and Relevant Members in the Nokia Friend View Mobile Social Network", In Proc. of International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE ’09), Symposium of Social Intelligence and Networking, IEEE Social Computing Conference, Vancouver, Canada, Vol. 4, 278-283, 2009. (pdf)
V. Bellotti, J. Thornton, A. Chin, D. Schiano, and N. Good. “TV-ACTA: Embedding an Activity Centered Interface for Task Management in Email”. In Proceedings of the Conference for E-mail and Anti-Spam 2007 (CEAS 2007), Mountain View, CA, 2007, 10 pages [19% acceptance rate]. (pdf)
A. Chin and M. Chignell. “A Social Hypertext Model for Finding Community in Blogs”. In Proceedings of the 17th International ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia: Tools for Supporting Social Structures (Hypertext 2006), Odense, Denmark, 2006, 11-22 [29% acceptance rate]. (pdf)
A. Chin and M. Chignell. “Finding Evidence of Community From Blogging Co-Citations: A Social Network Analytic Approach”. In Proceedings of IADIS International Conference on Web Based Communities 2006 (WBC 2006), San Sebastian, Spain, 2006, 191-200. (pdf)
A. Chin and K. Kontogiannis. “m-Roam: A Service Invocation and Roaming Framework for Pervasive Computing”, In Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Network Applications (AINA 2004), Fukuoka, Japan, 2004, 385-392 [26% acceptance rate] .
Conference Short and Works-in-Progress Papers
B. Xu, A. Chin and D. Cosley. "On How Event Size and Interactivity Affect Social Networks". In CHI '13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '13). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 865-870. (pdf)
A. Chin and M. Chignell. “Identifying Active Subgroups within Online Communities”. In Proceedings of the 17th IBM Centre for Advanced Studies’ Conference on Collaborative Research (CASCON 2007), Toronto, Canada, 2007, 280-283 [27% acceptance rate]. (pdf)
A. Chin and M. Chignell. “Identifying Subcommunities Using Cohesive Subgroups in Social Hypertext”. In Proceedings of the 18th International ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia (Hypertext 2007), Manchester, UK, 2007, 175-178 [29% acceptance rate]. (pdf)
Posters and Demos
A. Chin, W. Wang and X. Wang. LeXiang: Record, Share and Connect to Relive Activities from Offline to Online. Accepted to 2nd International Symposium of Chinese CHI (Chinese CHI 2014), 2014, Toronto, Canada (Poster)
A. Chin, H. Wang, L. Zhu, B. Xu, K. Zhang, and H. Wang. Connecting People in the Workplace Through Ephemeral Social Networks. In Proc. of ASE 3rd International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom 2011), 2011, 527-530 (Poster) (pdf)
A.Chin, H. Wang, L. Zhu, B. Xu, and H. Wang. Connecting people through physical resources in an office environment. In Proc. of the 13th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp '11). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2011, 475-476. (Demo) (pdf)
H. Wang, L.Zhu and A. Chin. “An Indoor Location-based Social Network for Managing Office Resource and Connecting People”. In Proc of the 2010 Symposia and Workshops on Ubiquitous, Autonomic and Trusted Computing (UIC-ATC '10). IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, USA, 481-483. (pdf)
A. Chin and J.P. Salomaa. "A User Study of Mobile Web Services and Applications from the 2008 Beijing Olympics", ACM Hypertext 2009 Conference, Turin, Italy, 2009. (Poster) (pdf)
Workshop and Symposium Papers
Zhen Zhang, Jigao Fu, Chi Harold Liu, Alvin Chin and Jon Crowcroft. Personalized Online Video Recommendations by Using Adaptive Feedback Control Frameworks. In Proceedings of Symposia: Social Networking track, IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2015, London, UK, 6 pages.
A. Chin, B. Xu, C. Zhao, and X. Wang. From Offline to Online: Connecting People with a Mobile Social Networking Application at a Conference. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium of Chinese CHI (Chinese CHI 2014), 2014, Toronto, Canada, 10 pages (ACM Digital Library)
A. Chin, B. Xu, and H. Wang. Who should I add as a "friend"?: a study of friend recommendations using proximity and homophily. In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Modeling Social Media (MSM '13). ACM, New York, NY, USA, , 7 pages. (pdf)
J. Han, A. Chin, J. Niu, W. Wang, C. Tong, and X. Wang. “How Online Social Network Affects Offline Events: A Case Study on Douban”, In the 2012 International Workshop on Ubiquitous Service Models and Applications (USMAP 2012), 9th International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC 2012), 8 pages, Fukuoka, Japan, Sept. 4-7, 2012. (pdf)
L. Wu, A. Chin, Y. Zhou, X. Wang, K. Meng, Y. Guo, and J. Li. "Context-Aware Prediction of User’s First Click", Accepted to the 1st International Workshop on Context Discovery and Data Mining (ContextDD 2012), 18th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2012), Beijing, China, August 12, 2012. (pdf)
A. Chin, B. Xu, H. Wang, and X. Wang, "Linking People Through Physical Proximity in a Conference", Accepted to the 3rd International Workshop on Modeling Social Media (MSM 2012), ACM Hypertext 2012 Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, June 25, 2012. (pdf) (slides)
A.Chin, B. Xu, F. Yin, X. Wang, W. Wang, X. Fan, D. Hong, Y. Wang, "Using Proximity and Homophily to Connect Conference Attendees in a Mobile Social Network", Accepted to the 2nd International Workshop on Sensing, Networking and Computing with Smartphones (PhoneCom 2012), IEEE ICDCS 2012 Conference, Macau, China, June 18, 2012. (pdf) (slides)
B. Xu, A. Chin, H. Wang and H. Wang. “Using Physical Context in a Mobile Social Networking Application for Improving Friend Recommendations”, In Proc. 1st International Workshop on Sensing, Networking and Computing with Smartphones (PhoneCom 2011), IEEE Cyber-Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) 2011 conference, Dalian, China, 2011. (pdf)
B. Xu, A. Chin, H. Wang, H. Wang and L. Zhang, "Social Linking and Physical Proximity in a Mobile Location-based Service", In Proc. 1st International Workshop on Mobile Location based Services (MLBS 2011), Ubicomp 2011, Beijing, China, Sept. 19, 2011. (pdf)
H. Wang, A. Chin and H. Wang, "Interplay between Social Selection and Social Influence on Physical Proximity in Friendship Formation", 2nd International Workshop on Social Recommender Systems, The 2011 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW 2011), Hangzhou, China, March 18, 2011. (pdf)
I. Mohomed, A. Chin, J. Cai and E. de Lara. “Community-Driven Adaptation: Automatic Content Adaptation in Pervasive Environments". In Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing, Systems and Applications (WMCSA 2004), English Lake District, UK, 2004, 124-133 [25% acceptance rate]. (pdf)
J. Su, A. Chin, A. Goel and E. de Lara. "User Mobility for Opportunistic Ad-Hoc Networking". In Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing, Systems and Applications (WMCSA 2004), English Lake District, UK, 2004, 41-50 [25% acceptance rate]. (pdf)
Magazine Publications
J. Tian, A. Chin and M. Karg. "Digital Services in the Automotive Industry". IEEE IT Professional, Vol. 18, No. 5, 4-6, Sept-Oct 2016. (pdf)
M.V.A. Bonto-Kane, A. Chin, S. McCarthy, M. Srikulwong, and P.J. Timmins. “Pervasive 2007: It’s About the User”. IEEE Pervasive Computing, Vol. 6. No. 4, 95-96, c3, Oct-Dec 2007. (pdf)